Tuesday, August 30, 2005
A Visit to our Wat Chang Lam Luk Ka School

Monday, August 29, 2005
The Blog Arrives to EN3231
I had some of the members of the class give me their blog names so I could put them here on this blog. I only got eight verified blogs. I think maybe the others forgot to push the publish button or somethng. I will finish the list next time.
On Thursday we will do our preliminary shooting for our movie. Ms. A seems to have everything under control. We shall see.
My World Civ classes went ok. Lectured on Romanticism and provided a bunch of paintings and some music. Thursday will be the American Revolution.
Ajarn JD came up with a great idea on the Advanced Readings class. Maybe we should have the students build case studies from the BusinessWeek magazine. Will explore this idea some more this week. The BusinessWeek lady will be here on Thursday as well.
Football season starts on Saturday at 1100 a.m. US time or 1100 p.m. our time. I can hardly wait for the Oklahoma Sooners to kick some helmets again this year.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Lecture on Western Imperialism in Asia

The pond next to the conference center has a bunch of horses running across the top of it. When the fountains are turned on, the effect is surprising and pleasant. I have heard that the former President who designed the campus and basically brought it to life had a great admiration for horses. Not too long ago we even had an aquestrian event with jumping horses and such. A bit out of place in Thailand as the heat and humidity would be extremely hard on the horses.

Saturday, August 27, 2005
Reading in Business English Let Loose in the Computer Lab
The first class did not work. We started to go to the IT Buidling but the electricity went out. We went back to our old room and I got the AV people to hook us up to the internet. We putzed around on the internet during the period and I had the students work on their preseantation assignments.
The rest of the classes went without a hitch. I sat down with several students and showed them how to make PDFs for info they then can email to themselves. The three classes were quite good and Ajarn JD was with us until after 1400. It looks as if my students are all ready for their presentations next week.
Ajarn JD talked about the possibility of developing an advanced reading course. We will have to sit down and get our thoughts on this possibility. It sounded good.
On Thursday, Dr. P the dean of the faculty gave me three DVDs of the show 24. It was terrific and hard not to watch. I watched everyone of the episodes unti lI ran out of DVDs. Will have to try to get the whole set.
Friday, August 26, 2005
The Industrial Revolution and other Problems
That night I received an email from one of my Chinese students, Ms. X. She was not able to drop by on Thursday for our practice session. She usually comes to my office twice a week to practice her English and to ask questions about World Civ. She did not make it so she wrote me an email explaining why.
Dear ajarn,
i am sorry about today that i did't go to ur office. today i had diarrhea and a stomach ache.
these days , i am having bad luck . my wallet was stolen by some body in class. 5555~~~GONE - my money ,ID card , and so many things .
i think i only can get a 5 on ielts . i got lost in the listening and the readings were about science and technology. so hard. the writing question was not difficult but i wrote it as if i was writing for an english 1 class . :(
i was so stupid during the speaking test . i don't know what i was talking about . I had no logic and no grammar. i was so nervous .5555~~~~~~ i will go to hell.
by the way , do u need something from china , please tell me , ok . it's my pleasure
yours respectfully
My immediate response was for her to please not go to hell as I have heard it is a very bad place. I also encouraged her by telling her that the bad luck is always followed by the good luck.
She is a very good student, second year, and has not developed any confidence in herself. She will be more than ok in a few more months. One cannot help but like and respect these "mainland" Chinese students.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Testing the Teachers

Sunday, August 21, 2005
English for Tourism

My movie camera seemed to be messing up. Believe it has dirty heads. Oh, well, I have to do the best I can with it.
We were at the Hindu temple about 30 minutes. As the other two buses arrived, we left for the Suan Pakkad Palace. I had never heard of it. It used to be a cabbage farm so the Thais call it Suan Pakkad or Cabbage Patch. It is a very lovely setting with Thai style houses located around a pond with beautiful landscaping.
Of particular interest was the house inside another house. The small inner house was an ancient prayer house where monks would sit to meditate and study. This small one room building was placed inside an ancient prayer hall. These are the last remaining examples of this type of buildings in Thailand. Beautiful wood with lacquered black and gold painting.

The final stop was at the Vimemek Teak Palace. It is the largest teak wood building in the world. It was build by Rama V (Chulalongkorn) and he actually lived it in for 5 years. The antiques and other memoralia were fascinating and unique. We also watched a traditional Thai dancing with fabulous Thai style houses in the background. Too commercial for my taste, I saw where they would be very interesting to tourist who had never experienced Thai dancing.

The day was hot and I was happy to see the day come to an end. The bus took us all back to Assumption University in Bangkapi. From there we got a taxi back to our house.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Back to School (Our Wat School)
We took two Mac II ci's and my Mac 9500 with a G3 300mhz processor. The two little Macs can be used for the little kids to pound around on and learn about computers. Next week we will deliver one more computer (my Performa 6400) and a couple of monitors. I left the 40 or so CDs with G for next time.
While G and I were setting up the computers my wife went to the 4th grade room as before and taught the kids to speak a little English and to count to ten in both English and Chinese. Their regular teacher had to go to a teachers' seminar today. Sunee had a lot of fun.
We return next Tuesday and I will take some pictures of the Macs and the students.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Presentations and the Reformation
I had decided that this class would do a movie for their major project and I had already given the task of coming up with a script to one of the best students in the class, Ms. A. She had worked on the script and so we decided to have the class divide up and help her finish the script on Thursday. Mr. J will obviously be heavily involved with the technical aspects of the movie. We do not have much time so we have to "rock and roll" to get it done.
I passed out the results of the midterm. No big surprises as everyone did really good. This is an exceptional class, with most of the students very good at English and creative thinking. The upcoming work on the movie should be interesting for me and challenging for the class.
And now for World Civilization. Reformation was the topic. Where does one start? I had only one Christian in both classes. This meant that I had to cover some basic Christian theology before the students are ready for Reformation history. This seemed to work pretty good. I went around and got some of the students involved in my explanations and, at least, I had a good time.
We made it through the entire Reformation chapter without a hitch. I checked and rechecked to see if the students were following my lecture. Luther and Calvin. Luther and Calvin. Luther and Calvin. I also did the Henry VIII, this is better than any Thai soap opera, story. Overall, I would say that both classes seemed to follow the Reformation as best as can be expected. I used a lot of energy in "preaching the Luther style" and demonstrating how Henry VIII took good care of his wives. I was exhausted by the end of the second class.
On Thursday we do the Enlightenment which will take just as much energy to keep it interesting.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Mothers Day Party

Tuesday, August 09, 2005
A Local Wat School

We went to a local wat school today with an old high school classmate who has retired about fifteen minutes from where we live. Wat schools are public schools for the super poor. They are run by the local Buddhist wats and usually take in students from families who cannot send their kids to a regular public school.
We had a great time teaching them a little English and just visiting and joking with the kids. About half the school went on a field trip, so we only saw the 4th grade. My friend teaches as a volunteer at the school once a week.
We plan to take them about five Mac computers to use next week. We will set the computers up and provide hundreds of appropriate software for the kids to use. I have been collecting software since 1985, so this is what I was collecting it for. We are looking forward to visiting the school again.

The kids put on a Thai Classical musical show for us just before we left. It was superb!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
A Graduation Party

Our niece will be graduating from Thammasart University this month so we went to a big graduation party with the family. The party was at a big Japanese buffet restaurant at the Emerald Hotel. We had been there before.
All one can eat of Japanese, Chinese and other food. Lots of seafood and the like. I, unfortunately, was hit with back spasms from sitting in the Japanese-style seats. Could not get up or get down. I was also unable to take advantage of the food which was a good thing.

The evening was very pleasant and I took several pictures of members of my Thai family.

Our niece is thinking about going to the United States to start a Masters degree. I think she wants to be a writer but I am not sure. Her English is excellent so she will not have any trouble overseas.