Abac Musings

A foreign teacher at ABAC (Assumption University of Thailand) is often thought of as being a token teacher for his/her native English abilities. This Blog is "musings" about living while teaching in an international university in Southeast Asia in one of the most exotic cities in the world - Bangkok.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Wat Jiang Lam Luk Ka

Left the house at 0900 to go to our wat school. We spent the morning preparing Sunee's portfolio as she has an appointment at a local gallery to talk about art lessons.

We arrived at our wat and found it had been completely flooded over the weekend. The water had gone but thinks were really muddy. Had to find a way to get into the wat without picking up a lot of mud.

Started class at around 0930. Sunee handed out the papers and went over the vocab and the meanings of the sentences. She then got the students to practice the questions. I helped her a little with the female students who were on the right side of the class. The two hour class went by very quickly.

We had lunch with the other teachers at the school and then got a taxi to the art gallery. Had a bit of a problem finding the gallery. Got some information and the gentleman who greeted us said he would find a really good teacher to teach Sunee. She will have to bring her portfolio again when she meets her new teacher.

We then took the subway (new experience) to Fortune Town where I bought some yellow ink for my HP CP1700 printer. I also picked up six DVD movies for my Aspects class next semester. We had another lunch (I had a bunch of pizza) and we then headed home, arriving at around 4 pm. Overall a very good day.


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