Abac Musings

A foreign teacher at ABAC (Assumption University of Thailand) is often thought of as being a token teacher for his/her native English abilities. This Blog is "musings" about living while teaching in an international university in Southeast Asia in one of the most exotic cities in the world - Bangkok.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day

Since I started using the blog as a means of teaching American culture, I have not had time to blog here. Soooo, Merry Christmas today and Happy New Year in a week.

We are having a big Christmas get together at our house this evening. Sunee has been working most of the day getting it prepared. We have just about everything one can imagine to eat. We started cooking at around 1pm and I just called down because we have no gas. Sunee just ordered the gas so it is on the way.

I will take some pictures to add so you can see Christmas in Thailand