Abac Musings

A foreign teacher at ABAC (Assumption University of Thailand) is often thought of as being a token teacher for his/her native English abilities. This Blog is "musings" about living while teaching in an international university in Southeast Asia in one of the most exotic cities in the world - Bangkok.

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Blog Arrives to EN3231

After the last presentation for the interviews, we discussed the upcoming movie scripting, shooting, preps, etc. I thought it might be a good idea if the scripters had blogs to exchange information. Ms. A, the director, thought all students should have blogs so I went through the process of creating blogs. Everyone jumped at the chance and now we have at least 30 new bloggers and maybe more.

I had some of the members of the class give me their blog names so I could put them here on this blog. I only got eight verified blogs. I think maybe the others forgot to push the publish button or somethng. I will finish the list next time.

On Thursday we will do our preliminary shooting for our movie. Ms. A seems to have everything under control. We shall see.

My World Civ classes went ok. Lectured on Romanticism and provided a bunch of paintings and some music. Thursday will be the American Revolution.

Ajarn JD came up with a great idea on the Advanced Readings class. Maybe we should have the students build case studies from the BusinessWeek magazine. Will explore this idea some more this week. The BusinessWeek lady will be here on Thursday as well.

Football season starts on Saturday at 1100 a.m. US time or 1100 p.m. our time. I can hardly wait for the Oklahoma Sooners to kick some helmets again this year.


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