Abac Musings

A foreign teacher at ABAC (Assumption University of Thailand) is often thought of as being a token teacher for his/her native English abilities. This Blog is "musings" about living while teaching in an international university in Southeast Asia in one of the most exotic cities in the world - Bangkok.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Reading in Business English Let Loose in the Computer Lab

I took all my Reading in Business English classes to the computer lab in the new IT building. The plan was to show them how quickly they can gather background information on any topic. Ajarn JD was going to meet me with his two classes at 1030 and then at 1400.

The first class did not work. We started to go to the IT Buidling but the electricity went out. We went back to our old room and I got the AV people to hook us up to the internet. We putzed around on the internet during the period and I had the students work on their preseantation assignments.

The rest of the classes went without a hitch. I sat down with several students and showed them how to make PDFs for info they then can email to themselves. The three classes were quite good and Ajarn JD was with us until after 1400. It looks as if my students are all ready for their presentations next week.

Ajarn JD talked about the possibility of developing an advanced reading course. We will have to sit down and get our thoughts on this possibility. It sounded good.

On Thursday, Dr. P the dean of the faculty gave me three DVDs of the show 24. It was terrific and hard not to watch. I watched everyone of the episodes unti lI ran out of DVDs. Will have to try to get the whole set.


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  • At 4:58 AM, Anonymous Pavel Zitler said…

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