Ms. A came by at around 0830 to pick us up. We had prepared the computer table to take to the school. I had found an old SCSI CD-ROM (from a 6100) and gotten it ready to go. I also found an old 8X Philips CD-ROM to also take to the school. When we arrived Mr. G was already there. He had been having severe back problems so he did not make the ride with Ms. A to pick us up. I hope he gets better as he must get on a plane and return to Oklahoma for the reunion. That is a long time to be on an airplane with a bad back.

My wife immediately went to her 4th grade room to teach them English. She had been preparing all week long. We had copied around 40 sheets of simple English for her to use. She was excited about teaching the kids English.

She wanted to get the kids to start speaking and not be so shy. The kids were very happy to see her.

Mr. G and I putzed around with the computers trying to get them to work correctly. We had very little luck. The 9500 with the G3 in it did not want to talk to the monitor. It appeared that the monitor was shot. Then we worked with the Mac IIci and had problems. Nothing seemed to work. The adapter for the monitors which I had taken today was probably bad. This was really frustrating. Finally, I decided to not worry so much about the little Mac IIs and bring my almost cherry 6400 over and my son's 7100 for the school to use. These are prime machines and should make a good core. The two Mac IIci's and the 9500 will be for the kids just to type on and get comfortable with computers. I will regroup and return next week with the two computers (if my son can get the 7100 over here).
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